Monday, July 31, 2006

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...

... sunburn on my chest does NOT.

I spent my weekend in New York - on Fire Island, to be specific. My roommate from college (the one who got married in November) turned 30 this year, so she had a big party to celebrate. Her family has a summer house on FI, and I usually go out every summer to visit. When I got out there Friday night (after a 4 hour drive and a 45 minute ferry ride), it was raining. But Saturday... a totally different story. The weather was PERFECT. If you looked up "perfect beach day" in the dictionary, you'd see a picture of Saturday. Despite the gorgeous weather, I got major sunburn. I'm bright red in certain spots, nicely tanned in others. Even after the burn fades, I'm gonna have some wicked tan lines. Damnit. And of course, I'd packed a tank top for the party that night. I was a lobster in a tank top. Uber attractive. But it's okay. I got drunk enough to forget about it. Several vodka tonics and half a dozen kamikaze shots took care of that. And the beauty of the island - no hangover! I don't know if it's something in the air, or what... but it's fabulous.

In other news... SUMMER CAMP IS OVER! Woo-hoo!!! I still have class (2 mornings and 2 nights a week), but I have a lot more free time now. I can do laundry, wash my car, read, go in the pool, go shopping... it's glorious. Oh... and of course my party is coming soon! If you know me, you know how much I adore party planning. There's no theme this year (damn you, Doug!), so I can't go shopping for decorations or look up fun thematic recipes online. But I'll figure something out.

Soon I'll be back in my classroom setting up for the new school year, so I gotta cram as much fun into the next few weeks as I can. Anyone interested in contributing some fun?

Monday, July 24, 2006

the weekend update

Crazy weekend. I'm kinda glad it's over, cuz now I can get a good night's sleep. I was up past 4 AM two nights this weekend.

Anyway, Sam's birthday party was Saturday night. Before the party, I told Erin I wasn't going to get drunk. I threw that plan out the window shortly after arriving at Great American. Started with two beers there, continued with many more cans of Miller Lite at Sam's house (at one point, I even started double fisting cans... yikes!). And, if I remember correctly, several shots of vodka. But it was a damn good time. From what I can recall.

Seriously, I do remember pretty much all of the party. I handle my liquor well. Some drunk people get obnoxious, some puke, some fight, some pass out... not me. I get loud(er), sing more, talk more, flirt a LOT more (ahem), and apparently, I call everyone bitch. I didn't notice that until Karen pointed it out. Bitch.

The weather was kinda shitty for awhile, but then it cleared up enough for us to swim. Yay! Much fun was had in the pool and I do believe some beer was spilled there as well. Sam's pool floats are gonna get tipsy... lol...

My camera proved to be a great source of fun for all. I took a few harmless pics to start with. And then we got ideas for a few posed pics. And then it got ugly. When I looked at my pics last night, there were about 20 that I didn't take. They're quite interesting and they're all up on Snapfish. (If you wanna see them, email me for the link.)

The night was not without it's casualties, though. As Erin was handing out cake (mmmm... yummy cake with chocolate icing...), a beer bottle fell off the table and shattered. Soon after, I stepped on a piece of glass and cut my foot. Sam and her first aid kit came to the rescue, and I was back in the pool in no time. Later, when I was changing out of my bathing suit in Sam's teeny, tiny bathroom, I dropped my shirt. I bent to pick it up, and smacked my head on the doorknob on my way back up. Hurt like a bitch... and yesterday morning, I couldn't figure out why my head was so sore. Oh... and this one's embarrassing... I scraped my finger trying to open a bottle of Yuengling. I have no skillz.

I didn't get home until around 4 AM (thanks again for the ride, Panama Joe!), after an eventful drive through a maze-like development in Bensalem. Fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow and woke up with a hangover, of course. Good times, indeed.

And now I can't WAIT until my party in August!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006


If I had the time, I'd blog. I'd talk about camp... swimming with the kids, making papier mache crafts, reading endless stories, sweating through the day in a building with a crappy air conditioning unit. I'd talk about my classes... my projects and papers, the 16 year-old Chinese girl that I'm tutoring, sitting through 2 hour lectures that have produced more daydreams and doodles than I can count, flirting with the cutie who sits next to me in my Tuesday/Thursday class. I'd talk about my summer... or lack, thereof. I've only been in my pool twice. I have no tan. I haven't gone to the flea market or the beach or any sort of vacation. I'd talk about the party... the evite went out today (if you didn't get yours, email me, bitch!).

If only I had time...

Monday, July 10, 2006

Tag, no tagbacks!


The rules of the game, once you've been tagged, write a blog with 6 weird things or habits about yourself. In the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You've been tagged" in the comments and tell them to look at your latest blog.

Here goes it,

1. I love to sing, but sometimes I'm weird about doing it in public. Also, I feel like I sing better after I've had a few drinks.

2. I'm addicted to chapstick.

3. I collect children's literature. I'll need a storage unit for all my books someday.

4. I get insomnia when I'm not on a "regular" school/work schedule. I often get panic attacks with the insomnia.

5. When I buy a new box of crayons, I have to dump them out and put them back in color order.

6. I've never been stung by a bee.