Sunday, August 27, 2006

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Things I'm loving this month:

First and foremost is You Tube. It's genius. I have found so many videos to watch. Brain cells are dying left and right. If you're around my age, go on there and do a search for "Classic Sesame Street." It will bring back SO many memories. And as you can see from the video on my profile, I also searched the Muppet Show.

Next is Target. Well, this is nothing new. I walk into Target for one thing (in this case, a clear plastic storage box), and I come out $90 poorer, carrying enough bags to break an arm. Today I found DVDs on sale for $7.50 each. I got "Dirty Dancing," "Mean Girls," and "Romeo & Juliet." Let the movie marathon begin!

Moving right along... and it pains me greatly to admit this... Mary Kay products. Good Lord, where was I before the 3-in-1 cleanser came into my life??? And then there's the lip mask and lip balm, which keeps my lips soft for HOURS. No lie. And the Satin Hands? You really DO get satin hands! This stuff is amazing. I'm hooked.

Next - cheesy romance novels have always been a guilty pleasure. But then I discovered Jennifer Crusie. I've taken two of her books out of the library in the past month, and I can't get enough. Romance, good dialogue, likeable characters, great plots... and they're not too cerebral, which makes any of them a good beach read.

Finally... parties. I've always been a fan of a good party (who hasn't), but lately I've felt extremely social. I want there to be a party every weekend. I don't necessarily need to get bombed every weekend (take Karen's party, for example, where I merely got buzzed, but still had a blast), but I love being around people - old friends and new ones alike. Good music + good food + good drinks + good people = good times, indeed.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Quotes From Last Night

(otherwise called, You Had to Be Here)

"Now anything we do will be sanctioned by the Lord." (Karen)

"Stupid breeders!" (Inara)

"I'm trying to swallow!" (Karen/Inara)

"It's an all-you-can-eat buffet!" (Dree)

"He has to be sober enough to molest us later." (Sam, on Joe not drinking)

"I'll punch you in the vagina!" (Karen)

"You doin' bubbles?" (Sam to Joe, on sucking soap bubbles)

"We're both too gay for this." (Inara)

"You're destined to be with a short Mexican." (Rita, to MK)

"I don't remember my tongue being out that much." (Inara) "That's because your tongue is always out that much." (Steph)

"When life gets bad, you rub the duck." (Dree)

"Jesus is a boob-man!" (MK)

"Your chakras are fucked!" (Karen, to MK)

"If it comes out of Sam's mouth, it's gospel!" (Rita)

"I always use 'My Uncle Ned will give me five dollars to touch his balls.'" (Rich, on mnemonic devices)

"I like my asshole." (Karen)

"I'll punch you right in your Jesus!" (Sam)

"Jesus is in my cleavage!" (Dree)

"Christ approves your boobs." (Joe)

"Nipples in vaginas?!?" (Steph)

"I can't do anything with two hands, let alone one!" (Sam)

There are more, but I've temporarily misplaced the other paper. This is most of them, though.

I've spent my day watching cooking shows on PBS. One woman made Dominican food... chicharrones, mojito, tostones... mmmmm... now I'm hungry.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

the truth

I watch reruns of "Full House." I pretend not to like the show, but I do. I really, really do.

I can't stand quiet. It makes me nervous. If it's too quiet, I'll start talking until I'm comfortable again.

Music is extremely important to me. My life has a soundtrack that only I understand.

I can't comprehend that there are people in the world who don't enjoy reading.

When I get a new box of crayons, I dump them out and rearrange them in color order. And I keep it that way.

I'm usually in the middle of two or three books at the same time. At least one of them is a book I've already read several times.

I think I'm incredibly smart. Sometimes, I also think that my intelligence is the only thing I have going for me.

I hide my insecurity behind my sarcasm.

Everything about autumn makes me very, very happy. The smells, the crisp air, the "back to school" atmosphere, the crunchy leaves, the holidays... it's just all very good.

One day, I might write a book.

I don't like going to the movies.

I'm afraid of bees, heights, fire, and being wrong.

When I started college, I wanted to be a psychologist. After a year of Liberal Arts, I had to choose a major... and I picked Education. I've never once regretted my decision to be a teacher.

I don't think Wayne Brady is funny.

I'm a pack rat.

The first time I drank beer (Coors Lite from a can), I almost threw up. When I turned 21 and realized how much mixed drinks cost, I made myself like beer.

When I hear people laughing, I assume they're laughing at me.

I used to bite my nails. Now I just pick at my cuticles.

It was always my dream to rent an RV and drive cross-country with a group of friends. I haven't entirely given up on that dream.

I'm a perfectionist.

My toenails are always painted.

Sometimes I miss high school.

Sometimes I miss college.

Given the chance, I would NEVER go back in time to relive any part of my life.

I posted this because I'm bored and couldn't think of anything else to write about.

That's the truth.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

That's a whole lotta girly

My mom won a "free Mary Kay demo," which I think is just slang for "you think you won something, but really you just agreed to let me come over and talk you into buying makeup." The woman promised my mom it would be fun. "Just like high school!" she gushed on the answering machine. She told us to invite people if we wanted to, so I sent out the word... and I actually got some takers! Besides me and my mom, we also had Becky, Melissa, Sam and Mary Kate. We all tried on some makeup and had our hands pampered. And damnit, I actually enjoyed myself. I tried so hard not to. I was snarky and sarcastic and made all sorts of snide remarks about the girliness of it all. But in the end, I wound up buying cleanser. And makeup. And that hand pampering stuff. Shoot.

Tomorrow I'm entertaining my 7-year-old cousin for the day. She requested a day with me to do "girly" things. Clearly she doesn't know me at all. According to her, she wants to do makeup, play with the dog, watch cartoons (she doesn't have cable at home), swim (if the weather holds), and bake something. Should be a hoot. I guess I can't blame her for wanting to spend time with me. She has an older brother and 4 uncles. Her only aunt is a field hockey coach who is more interested in sports than doing makeovers. I'm the closest thing she has to a female role model, which is a frightening thought. So I'm gonna suck it up and be girly tomorrow.

Lordy... next thing you know, I'll be wearing pink ribbons in my hair.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

party. the aftermath.

No more parties. I mean it this time. It's too much work, and too much cleaning up to do afterwards. And I was pretty trashed, so the party itself was kind of a blur to me. It's just not worth the effort.

Damnit, why did I drink so much? I don't even remember drinking that much, but I knew I was drunk. I feel like I went from slightly tipsy to incredibly drunk in no time. Blah. But I'm not hungover, which is awesome. And kind of hard to believe, considering how much I drank.

And GOOD LORD my porch was a mess. There were crushed potato chips all over the porch. Ants were everywhere. Bottles and cans and napkins and cups. I found a million cigarette butts, and four empty ashtrays. Interesting. Somewhere along the line (like 8:30-ish) the keg got kicked. That was a first. I don't think we've ever had that happen before. Someone had the "brilliant" idea to get another keg. Only about a quarter of that went. Damn shame... it's a waste of good beer.

Finally, allow me to issue a formal apology to the following people: anyone I didn't say hello or goodbye to, anyone I insulted (I don't think that happened this year, though), anyone I ignored, anyone I spilled beer on (again, don't think that happened this year)... I think that's it.

Honestly... I think I'm just too old to party that hard anymore.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

to do...

One of my friends from grad school once told me that if she had to buy me a present for something, she'd get me a notebook for all the lists I make. If you know me at all, you know I'm notorious for making lists. Shopping lists, to-do lists, lists of things to remember, lists of songs I want to download, lists of funny things people say (yeah... those of you who went to Wildwood with me, I promise I'll post that quote list asap), lists of books I want to buy someday, lists of things I want to do this upcoming school year.

Today I made a party to-do list to figure out how much still needs to be done, and how much I can dump on Doug (not much, as it turns out, seeing as how he works all day and has no car). So I made the chicken today. It smelled damn tasty. Tomorrow I'm making pasta salad, rice krispie treats and jello shots (woo-hoo!). Then tomorrow night is Leo's first birthday party, which Tasha the Wonderdog and Bobby the Beagle (Doug's gf's dog) will both be attending.

And Saturday... THE PARTY!!! (Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited about this?) Rumor has it that 1/3 of UpFall has poison ivy and might not be able to play. Suck it up, bitch. You're playing. I booked you months ago. Deliver the goods, damnit.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I know I blogged yesterday. But I'm bored and antsy and decided to blog again today. Usually, the week before my party, I'm all stressy, running around trying to get stuff together. But this year.... not so much. There's nothing to decorate. I already know what I'm gonna wear. It's too early to clean the porch and pool (it'll just get dirty before Saturday, and then I'll have to do it again anyway). I can't make any of the food too far in advance. So... hmmm... nothing to do today. I'm going food shopping tonight, and then tomorrow I think I'm making some chicken for Saturday. That can be made in advance and then served cold. The burgers and dogs and such need to be done Saturday, obviously. Any dips will be made Saturday morning. Oh, I'm making Jell-O shots. Does anyone know how far in advance they can be made? Maybe I'll do them Friday afternoon.

But for today? A big, fat nothing. I guess I'll read for awhile.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Wildwood Days

Sooo... we went to Wildwood for the weekend. I was really looking forward to it, since I haven't been to Wildwood in a few years. There's just something about the boardwalk... the smells, the sounds, the lights, the people... it's summer to me. Anyway, we had a great time. We hit the beach three days in a row. The weather was perfect. We couldn't have asked for a better weekend. I wanted to make sure I got the full Wildwood experience while I was there. I ate funnel cake, cotton candy, Boardwalk fries, and a fudgy-wudgy bar (on the beach, of course!). I got my handwriting analyzed and my palms read. I watched the tram car, please. I ate cheap eggs for breakfast and cheap pizza for dinner. I read Cosmo on the beach and played skee-ball in the boardwalk arcade. Oh yes... and five of us drank three cases of beer in 2 days. Classic. We had beer before we left for the beach... then beer on the beach... then beer when we got back from the beach. So it's safe to assume that most of us spent the weekend in a drunken stupor. But it was fun. I have some new pics up on my profile from this weekend if you wanna check them out (leave me some love, people... lol).

And now... the countdown begins. FOUR DAYS UNTIL MY PARTY!!! Plans are in full swing. Shopping lists have been made, menu has been planned, my outfit has been picked out, the playlist has been chosen. It's gonna be one kickass good time. You all better be here, or be prepared to face the consequences!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

bring on the rock

Must blog. It's late and I have to pack for the beach and I have to sleep (eventually) because I have to wake up early. But first - I have to blog.

So tonight I did the unthinkable. I cut class (*gasp*) and went to World Cafe Live to see a triad of fantastic bands.

Fooling April was first. AWESOME BAND. Very Ben-Folds-esque, very piano-y, very energetic. Loved every minute of it... in fact, I thought their set was way too short. I was so impressed with their music that I bought the CD. I will definitely go see them play again.

Jealousy Curve was next. What can I say? They rocked, as always. I haven't seen them in awhile, and I was psyched to get to see them tonight. I thought their set was very short, as well. One should never stop the rock. Unless it's to bring on more rock. Which leads me to...

Ike! Awesome show. They have a lot of fun music... good for dancing and singing along. I always enjoy seeing them live. I decided that owning just one Ike CD wasn't enough, so I bought their first one to add to my collection.

Then... just when we thought it was over... Ike brought out Fooling April to help them sing Queen's "Fat Bottomed Girls." Wow. And THEN... they brought out Jealousy Curve, and all three bands did "Under Pressure." As I said to Ray, it was "epic." I don't think anything could've topped that.

A phenomenal evening all around.

And now I must go pack... tomorrow, on to Wildwood!

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Book Club

I hosted this month's Book Club meeting last night. Unfortunately, the book I chose, The Time Traveler's Wife, did not exactly lend itself to much in the way of a theme. I managed to find a half-assed theme, just because I'm dorky like that. The theme was "time" and everyone had to name their foods accordingly (like, "chronological cheese and crackers"). Anyway. Good discussion, as always. And good times were had in the pool, although I did not join in on those festivities. I was putting finishing touches on a paper that had to be emailed to my professor by that night. Once again, me = dork. But it's all good.

It still feels weird being done camp. I have a lot of free time in my week and I feel like there's a lot I could be doing (i.e. cleaning, organizing, planning for the upcoming school year)... but so far, I haven't been doing much of anything. Summers were made for being lazy.

My new goal is to come up with a fabulous blog topic that garners comments from everyone on my friends list. It's out there, I just gotta find it. Hmmmm... come to think of it, perhaps I'll ask my readers to suggest topics for me. Readers! What do you want me to write about? Throw out some ideas!