Things I'm loving this month:
First and foremost is You Tube. It's genius. I have found so many videos to watch. Brain cells are dying left and right. If you're around my age, go on there and do a search for "Classic Sesame Street." It will bring back SO many memories. And as you can see from the video on my profile, I also searched the Muppet Show.
Next is Target. Well, this is nothing new. I walk into Target for one thing (in this case, a clear plastic storage box), and I come out $90 poorer, carrying enough bags to break an arm. Today I found DVDs on sale for $7.50 each. I got "Dirty Dancing," "Mean Girls," and "Romeo & Juliet." Let the movie marathon begin!
Moving right along... and it pains me greatly to admit this... Mary Kay products. Good Lord, where was I before the 3-in-1 cleanser came into my life??? And then there's the lip mask and lip balm, which keeps my lips soft for HOURS. No lie. And the Satin Hands? You really DO get satin hands! This stuff is amazing. I'm hooked.
Next - cheesy romance novels have always been a guilty pleasure. But then I discovered Jennifer Crusie. I've taken two of her books out of the library in the past month, and I can't get enough. Romance, good dialogue, likeable characters, great plots... and they're not too cerebral, which makes any of them a good beach read.
Finally... parties. I've always been a fan of a good party (who hasn't), but lately I've felt extremely social. I want there to be a party every weekend. I don't necessarily need to get bombed every weekend (take Karen's party, for example, where I merely got buzzed, but still had a blast), but I love being around people - old friends and new ones alike. Good music + good food + good drinks + good people = good times, indeed.