Monday, September 13, 2010

Building a better, stronger Dree... one day at a time.

I fall off the blog wagon every few months or so. I blogged WAY more when I was teaching, but now my job doesn't yield as many cute stories. Everytime I think about blogging again, I go through the "what the hell should I write about," "no one reads this crap anyway" routine.

But now I'm back. AND... I have something to write about. Woot!

I recently re-read a blog that I wrote at the beginning of this year, and I had a list of my New Year resolutions posted. For the first two months, I kept up with it... and then, as usual, the blogging fell to the wayside. But I'm happy to report that I am still keeping most of my resolutions. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that some have actually become a way of life now.

The two things that I've been working on the most are my decluttering project and my eating better/exercising. The decluttering was the easiest to tackle, and it's been an ongoing crusade to rid my bedroom, car, closets and storage unit of the things that are no longer necessary in my life.

The challenge to make healthier food choices was also less daunting than I thought it would be. I've been more careful about reading labels and limiting certain foods (carbs and soda were the biggies). I've been making more food from scratch (I even started growing my own herbs!) and I'm working on portion control. That's a tough one.

Exercise was my Everest. I have never been able to make exercise part of my daily routine. Since I made it a resolution, I put it on my priority list. I bought a wii to help me get motivated. A few weeks later, I found a walking game for the wii, which is interactive and keeps track of miles walked, calories burned, steps taken, etc. The wii use was sporadic for awhile, and even though I enjoyed it, the walking tapered off. Then this summer, I somehow got back into it. But this time, I went a step further (no pun intended). I found a fitness channel on my cable's On Demand, and discovered Leslie Sansome's Walk at Home program. I tried 1 mile in 20 minutes. Totally do-able, so I started doing it every day. I learned that my mom has a Leslie Sansome DVD that includes a 1 mile walk with handweights. Score! Now I had variety! When that got boring, I added the wii walking game into my rotation.

I am amazed by what's happening. I used to hate even the thought of exercise. But now I love the way I feel after I walk. I'm completely energized and I feel so accomplished. When I first started, the 20 minute mile left me sweaty and panting. Now the 20 minutes fly by, and my recovery time is much quicker. When I use the wii game, I've been averaging 3 miles an hour. And it has become part of my daily routine.

I could certainly be doing more in the way of exercise, but this is a huge step for me (again with the step puns, lol). I plan to gradually add more - maybe actually join a gym or drop in on a Zumba class. But the important thing is that I made a plan and I stuck to it.

I rock :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

One month down

Happy February!

We have officially made it through the first month of 2010. Overall, I think I did well with my resolutions. But now that a month has passed, I want to reevaluate them to see if any adjustments need to be made. (Original resolution in black, comments in red.)

1. Go to church on a regular basis. I've done well with this. I've only missed one week so far, but I didn't let that discourage me from my goal.

2. Money management (set up automatic bill payment, put some money into separate savings account, put money into 401K). I need to get moving on this. I did put some of my money into my ING savings account (set up to deposit automatically twice a month), but I need to do more.

3. Get back to writing, in any form (blogs, poetry, journal). I've been writing in a journal every night, even if it's only a little bit. I haven't blogged as much as I wanted to, but at least I'm still writing.

4. Make effort to improve and maintain social life (including keeping in touch with friends who are NOT on Facebook). This one is hard. I have attempted to make plans with people, but my friends aren't as social as they used to be. Many of them are married and have small children, so their free time is usually family time. I have to find a way to branch out and meet new people, I guess. That will really take me out of my comfort zone, but in the long run, I think it will be worth it. I've been good with sending cards... not so much with emails or phone calls. I'm not a phone person, but I have friends who aren't on Facebook, so I REALLY have to make an effort with them. Damnit.

5. Make better food choices. Surprisingly, this has been pretty easy for me. I love to cook, and I spent a lot of weekends in January making homemade meals with fresh ingredients. I've been careful not to keep junk food in the apartment, which means I don't buy ice cream, cookies or chips (with the exception of my beloved tortilla chips and salsa). No soda, no white bread (I've even replaced my flour tortillas with whole wheat!), and no fast food.

6. Simplify and declutter. This has been another area of success for me. I really rose to the challenge and began to pare down my possessions. It felt really good to see the piles diminish and to see organization happening in my former "hot spots." But one downside is that when I take things out of one area, they wind up in another. I'm working hard to get rid of what I don't need and find a home for what I want to keep, but I feel like I'm slowing down a little. I need to get back on track with this one.

7. Read books I already have before buying new ones. Haven't bought any new books. Haven't really read much, either. I feel very lazy, book-wise. Sadly, the internet is part of the reason for that. I feel like I waste a lot of time on Facebook and blogs when I could be reading or writing. I'll try to cut out some of my online time each night so that I can read a few chapters of a book instead.

8. Walk more. Baby, it's cold outside. This ain't happening until spring. However, I borrowed a yoga DVD from Erin, and I've been looking into dropping in on a Zumba class or a country line dance class. Even if I have to go by myself (something else that takes me out of my comfort zone). Oh, and I really, really wanna buy a wii. Less sitting, more activity.

So that's where I stand after one month. Not too bad. There's still room for improvement. That's what February is for :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Happy Sunday!

Hello, blogging world.

It's a dreary Sunday morning here - flat gray sky, misty rain. I managed to make the most of it by settling on the sofa with a mug of chocolate coffee and a freshly baked scone with clotted cream and homemade strawberry jam (compliments of the roommate). And a little Jeff Buckley for background music.

The New Year's goals are going well. I've been to Mass every week, I'm still decluttering, I've reached out to a few friends that I haven't talked to in awhile. I feel like I started the year with a rush of adrenaline... I was determined that everything would get done. Now I've kind of plateau-ed. I know that I'm working towards some big goals, but I can't get them all done at once. And some of my goals are easier than others.

Surprisingly, I've found the decluttering project to be the easiest and most fun for me. I think because it yields immediate results. As soon as I go through a file or a box or a drawer, I can instantly see the difference. However, the resolution about making better food choices is more difficult (as is evidenced by the scone and clotted cream, lol). I don't keep junk food in the apartment, with the exception of chips and salsa. We have leftover Christmas chocolate, but I'm not a big chocolate eater. I don't keep ice cream or soda around, and most of the Christmas cookies are gone. I think my main problem is starches and carbs... bread, bagels, pasta, pastry. I cut out white bread a few years ago, so that was a step in the right direction. I can't quite get on board with the whole wheat pasta, though. The texture is a little funky for me.

But anyway, it's progress. Things are getting done and I'm feeling a little better about myself.

Today I'm going to spend the afternoon at my best friend's birthday luau! Yep, a luau in January :) I'm excited about it. I even pulled a Hawaiian shirt out of my summer clothes storage for the occasion. It'll be a fun time: old friends and (yikes!) good food. And tomorrow is a holiday, so I get a whole day to do whatever I want! Can't beat that.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Slow and steady

I'm still working on the declutter project. I'd love to just be done with it, but it's time consuming. And as a recovering pack-rat, it's very hard to just throw everything away without looking at it first. I've been finding creative solutions for storing the things I can't bear to part with... but that's another post for another time.

Today's focus was on towels. I know, so thrilling! But I was straightening out the hallway closet, and I came across a box that has a bunch of towels and rags and potholders... all the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else (we have a TINY kitchen with little storage). I moved all of the cleaning rags into one spot, then I sorted through the rest of the pile. Any towel that was stained or old or ratty looking was placed in a tote bag. The rest of the good stuff went back into the box with the potholders and the spare tablecloth. As for the tote bag - my brother and his wife run a dog rescue, and they're always looking for donations of certain items. Old towels and washcloths are high up on their list (dogs are messy!). So the next time I see Doug, I'll give him the bag of towels for the rescue to use. Decluttering leads to donation... everyone wins!

My other project for today was to go through my recipes and find a few things I don't make often. I chose one thing I've never made before and a few things that require ingredients that I don't normally have on hand. So tomorrow I'm going to make beef stew in the crockpot (for dinner), baked potato soup (to freeze for later), and sweet couscous with dried fruits and nuts (new recipe from Food Network). Can't wait to get cookin'!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Goodnight, nobody. Goodnight, mush.

I started back to work on Monday, so I've spent a few days readjusting to my "normal" schedule. Over break, I stayed up too late, slept later than usual, and didn't have a schedule for eating. I didn't realize how routine-driven I'd become until a few years ago, when I started to get summer insomnia. No matter how tired I got, I couldn't sleep. I don't have that problem in the summer anymore, because I make sure to stay on a schedule and work a summer job (if possible). But for some reason, I don't keep a schedule over Christmas break. I think I fool myself into thinking I can handle it. And I can't.

Anyway, I've been having trouble falling asleep the past few nights... my brain wouldn't shut off, and I started to think so much that I got anxious, which prevented me from falling asleep. So I had to work out a nighttime ritual to help me settle down. I asked a few friends for advice, and combined their best ideas into the following plan:

1. No reading in bed. (They also said no TV in bed, but I don't have a TV in my room.) Reading stimulates the brain, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. So now I read in the living room until I get tired.

2. Make sure the temperature is cool enough to need a blanket, but not so cold that I need several blankets. Low body temperature apparently helps you sleep. I didn't know that. I was always freezing at night, so I adjusted the thermostat a little.

3. No caffeine or alcohol before bed. That one was no problem. I only drink one mug of coffee in the morning, and then I have water for the rest of the day. And I rarely drink alcohol on a worknight.

4. Write in a journal before bed. I've chosen to write 5 accomplishments/happy thoughts for the day, as well as 5 goals for the next day. A friend suggested that making a to-do list for the next day would kind of give my brain permission to stop thinking about things that need to be done. I like that idea.

5. Light a lavender scented candle. It calms me.

6. Lights off when I'm tired.

7. Pray.

8. If I can't sleep, a few friends advised me to get out of bed and go into another room to do something else until I get tired.

I tried it for the first time last night, and it seemed to work. I felt better after writing, I fell asleep in the middle of prayers, and I slept until my alarm went off. So far, so good. I'm going to try it again tonight.

And before I go... a quick resolution update. Project Declutter is on temporary hiatus until the Christmas decorations are put away. Although, if you think about it, getting my apartment back to normal is a big part of decluttering. And I've been weeding out the decorations as I'm packing them away. Some things didn't get used this year, so they can get trashed or donated... depending on their condition.

Ok, time to start my bedtime ritual. Goodnight!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Do it write.

Today is my last day of Christmas break. I had nothing planned, so it seemed like coffee, laundry and my sofa were going to be on my agenda. Then my brother called to say he was stopping at my parents' house for a few hours. I abandoned my laundry and met him over there for an afternoon of wii with my parents (Mom's new Christmas present from Dad). It was a lot of fun and it got me out of the house for a few hours. Can't beat that. A wii has been on my wish list for a little over a year now, and I think I'm finally going to break down and buy one. It's a hell of a lot better than sitting on the sofa surfing the 'net or watching bad TV ("Full House," I'm looking at you...) and they're a lot cheaper than they used to be.

Anyway, moving on. Today my decluttering project started with me taking down this year's Christmas cards. Some got thrown away, some of the fronts got saved for Christmas crafts for next year (recycling is good!), and others went into an old shoebox in my closet that's filled with greeting cards. While I was there, I decided to declutter the shoebox. I'm a sentimental pack-rat, so it's very hard to get rid of things that have meaning. I managed to weed out some cards that aren't worth holding onto, but I put the rest back into the box. Things I saved include:

~ cards from my grandparents (all 4 have passed away, and it's nice to see their handwritten messages on old birthday cards)
~ a few cards from my godfather (also deceased... when I was little, he used to make the letters in his words look like animals with ears and faces)
~ some cards from my brother (a few hand drawn, most with funny messages)
~ cards and letters from my now 18-year-old godson (especially the older ones when he was just learning to write)
~ any card from a friend or family member that has a personal message written inside
~ wedding announcements, programs, invitations and thank you cards from the weddings I've been in
~ photo cards of the children of my friends

For now those things are all in the shoebox. Maybe someday I'll get them into some sort of scrapbook or memory book, but as long as they have a place and aren't taking up space, I'm okay with keeping them where they are.

I've been searching the web for other blogs and websites that embrace my newfound love of simple living. I'm going to start listing them (and other sites that I like) over in my links section in case anyone is interested in them. Today I found a site called Small Notebook and this post about ditching the label maker in favor of your own handwriting really got me thinking about my resolution to keep in touch with people. When I sorted through my Christmas cards, I was saddened to see how many people didn't bother to send anything this year. It was also interesting to see who wrote a personal message instead of just signing their name. Some people didn't even bother to write MY name on the card, which makes it even more impersonal. I know time is hard to come by for some people, but I managed to handwrite a small message in each of my holiday cards. It's one of those things that has started to go by the wayside, much like letters written in pen on nice stationery. Sure email and texting is fast and easy... but isn't it fun to get actual mail? So I think one of my goals for my "keeping in touch" resolution will be to send a letter or postcard or greeting card with a personal message to each of my friends at least ONCE this year. Whether or not they choose to reciprocate is up to them.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Staying on track

It wasn't my goal to write a blog every day, but I'm still on Christmas break from work so I have more free time than usual. And because I just made all of these resolutions a few days ago, I think writing daily helps keep me in line.

So far, I'm doing well on a few of the resolutions. Namely the ones that I've been able to tackle in the first two days of the new year. Resolution #1 was "Go to church." Done and done. I went New Year's Eve (since Jan. 1 is a holy day) and I went tonight, to fulfill my Sunday obligation. Now I just need to keep that up. I actually really like going to Mass, but I get lazy about it.

And resolution #6 "Simplify and declutter"... I spent a good part of today sortng through a pile on my desk and a huge storage bin that's been sitting in the hallway since I moved into this apartment in September. I threw stuff away and filed other things into folders to be dealt with later. That's another project for another time.

I'd do more decluttering, but tonight I feel like honoring resolution #4... having more of a social life. Now I just need to figure out how to do that.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New year, new goals.

Happy New Year! I can't believe it's 2010.

I spent last night with some good friends. We drank beer, ate fondue, and lit a fire in the fireplace. We rang in the new year in our jammies, toasting with sparkling cider. By 1:30 AM, my friends were in bed and I was dozing off on their sofa... a far cry from the drunken New Year's Eves of my past. But it was nice to skip the expensive, crowded bar scene. I'm just not that interested in it anymore.

Before we made the fondue, Erin and I each wrote our own list of New Year's resolutions and then read them to each other (and to Mike, who opted not to make a list). I'm pretty happy with my list. Not sure how many of the resolutions will make it past the first month, but I'm going to make an effort.

Here's what I came up with for this year:

1. Go to church on a regular basis.
2. Money management (set up automatic bill payment, put some money into separate savings account, put money into 401K)
3. Get back to writing, in any form (blogs, poetry, journal).
4. Make effort to improve and maintain social life (including keeping in touch with friends who are NOT on Facebook).
5. Make better food choices.
6. Simplify and declutter.
7. Read books I already have before buying new ones.
8. Walk more.

In the coming weeks, I hope to be back on here (see resolution #3, lol) to elaborate on some of these and to update the blogging world at large about my progress (or lack, thereof).

And so it begins.