Wednesday, December 28, 2005


So here's the deal: I have the entire week off from work. I know that sounds fabulous and glorious, but seriously, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

First of all, most of my friends work non-teaching jobs, so no one else is around to hang out with during the day. I can go out at night, but my friends can't stay out late, because they have to work the next day.

Being home all day with nothing to do sounds great... in theory... but after the first day, it gets kinda boring. Since I had a very stressful month of work and school, I decided not to bring home any work over break. So I don't have papers to grade, and I'm between semesters in grad school, so I don't have any classwork to do.

I've been spending my days off doing the following: laundry (every blessed piece of clothing or bedding I own), feeding and walking the dog (who sleeps most of the day), watching TV and DVDs, checking/writing email.

I keep thinking I should DO something. I thought about going out today, but I'm not sure where to go. For the first time in YEARS I didn't get any giftcards for Christmas, so I haven't felt like going shopping. (Plus, there's nothing I need to buy.) I'm not a fan of going to the movies, so that's out.

Then I thought, hell with it. I have a week off. There's no law that says I have to do something with my time off. So why can't I just sit here and do nothing for several days in a row? How often do I get to do that? Not often at all. Not even in the summer, since I work camp and take summer classes.

So that works for a few minutes. I convince myself that I don't need to do anything at all. And then, out of nowhere, I feel guilty for doing nothing.

I can't win.

Currently, I have my sheets in the wash and Season 2 of "Mad About You" playing on TV. I spent about 10 minutes writing this blog, and now that it's done, I feel like I should go organize my CD collection or something.

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