Saturday, January 7, 2006

the couch sessions

Woke up with the mother of all sinus headaches. It felt like a hangover, without the booze. (What a waste.) I took some drugs (aka, Sudafed) and slept on the couch for about 2 hours. Feeling a little better now, but I'm kinda pissed off because I had plans for today, but I was in no shape to get off the couch and change outta my pj's, let alone drive to New Jersey and sit in a house full of cats (which, as most of you know, make me all wheezy and sneezy)... even if it was to visit my best friend, who I haven't seen since my birthday. So phooey on my sinuses. And phooey on a wasted Saturday.


Hopefully I'll feel up to par in a few hours and I'll actually get to go out and do something.

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