Thursday, May 11, 2006

every breath I take

I haven't been able to breathe through my nose for the past three days. It's annoying. I have allergies, or a cold, or some twisted combination of both. Either way, this congestion is killing me. Since I can only breathe through my mouth, things like talking and eating become more of a challenge. And teaching? Forget it. It's torture. After talking for an extended period of time, I get winded from not breathing normally, and that makes me light-headed. (I truly believe that my brain is becoming deprived of oxygen. Seriously.) By lunch today, I was exhausted. Like eyelids drooping shut exhausted. I tried to read the kids a story after lunch, but I had to take a breath after every sentence. Same goes with eating. Bite, chew, chew, chew, chew, swallow, take huge gulping breaths. Start over.

Stupid congestion.

Oh well. Hey, does anyone else watch "Lost"? DAMN, that show is getting good. And of course, last night's episode raised like a zillion more questions. I can just tell that there's gonna be a hella cool cliffhanger.

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