Sunday, November 4, 2007

apartment living... one month down!

Hello friends. I haven't updated you on the joys of apartment living in awhile, so I figured I'd take a few minutes to fill you in.

Overall, things are going quite well. I've finally started referring to it as "home," although I still refer to my parents' house as "home," too. (And I always will.)

Sam and I have fallen into a routine. As far as cooking and cleaning go, we've pretty much split it equally. Whoever gets home first cooks dinner, the other person does dishes. Whoever has a day off might decide to clean if there's a room that needs cleaning. It's a very laid back kind of thing.

We've developed some rituals in the short month that we've been here. One favorite is our Wednesday night "Ghost Hunters" marathon on Sci-Fi. This past Wednesday was a live episode that was 6 hours long. Since we were at Karen's party, we didn't get to watch it. So Friday night we watched all 6 hours, stopping only long enough to run to Dunkin' Donuts for hot cocoa and a muffin. (It's called geeking out. You should try it sometime.)

Due to our work schedules, we only see each other for a few hours each night during the week and on Saturday. On Sunday, we're both home all day. So there's really not much opportunity for us to get on each other's nerves. It's all good. And we both do our own thing when we need to. Take last night for example... Sam and I decided to go out for dinner, because neither of us felt like cooking. But after dinner, she headed to her room to drink tea and watch some TV, and I settled on the couch with a warm blanket and a movie. Later on, I wound up going to the bar and she opted to stay home. To each her own.

On a personal note, I'm still loving the freedom of being able to go out whenever I want to and come home whenever I want to... and not have to answer to anyone. Although I think I'm starting to abuse the privilege. Last night I went out to the bar... drank too much and stayed out too late. Again. Sigh. I had fun for awhile, but I spent too much money and did too many shots. Didn't feel so good by the end of the night. Usually I'm a happy drunk... flirty, dancy, talkative. But once in a blue moon, I'm a sullen drunk. Last night was one of those nights. By the end of the night, I just wasn't in the mood to socialize. I know I wasn't fun once I left the bar. But... what can I do? It happens to the best of us. Everyone's entitled to one "off" night, right? And Lord knows I've had plenty of "on" nights.

And on that note, I'm gonna go relax with a book until I'm tired enough to sleep. Have a great week, everyone!

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