It's come to my attention that Valentine's Day is right around the corner. It kind of crept up on me... but thanks to the media, it's hard to ignore any holiday anymore. (President's Day mattress sale! Columbus Day car sale! Arbor Day sofa sale!) I realized that I haven't given any thought to posting the annual Valentine's Day rant. And guess what? I don't want to.
I know there are people who bitch about Valentine's Day being a day for couples... and if you're single, like me, then it's just another painful reminder that no one loves me. (I know... I know... plenty of people love me. But no one LOVES me.) I know I won't be getting flowers or jewelry or fancy dinners. But I never get those things anyway, so why should February 14th be singled out as an evil day?
I'm done being bitter. It doesn't do anything for me. When I'm bitter, I don't smile. I don't feel good about myself. I don't feel happy for other people. It's just destructive, and I don't want to be that person. I want to embrace my inner Pollyanna, damnit! (Please tell me you know who Pollyanna is... or I'll feel REALLY old.)
When I started my confidence project last month, I wrote about how it's possible to fool yourself into confidence by pretending to be confident. So now I'm going to use that same principle for Valentine's Day. I'm going to find a way to make this holiday lose its stigma. I haven't figured out how yet... but I'll come up with something. It will be a new tradition - having fun on Valentine's Day. Imagine that.
After all, being single isn't the worst thing in the world.
(But it's not the best, either.)
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