Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dream a little dream...

I had a dream last night. It wasn't a long dream, but there were enough details for me to be curious about what it meant. So I googled around and found a website for dream interpretation. I know it's not an exact science, but the things I read were pretty interesting.
The first part of the dream took place in a car (possibly my own). The details of that part of the dream indicate things like: serious difficulty and hurdles in achieving real life goals, unsure of which direction to take or which path to follow in life, low self-image, allowing others to take control of my direction, hesitant to enter into unfamiliar territory.
Hmmm. Doesn't sound promising. 
Let's move on to the next part of the dream - the events that occurred after we parked and got out of the car. The details of that part of the dream indicate the following: confidence, fulfillment, satisfaction, harmony, all aspects of life in perfect balance, pleased with something I've said or done. Which is pretty much the complete opposite of the first part of the dream.
So my subconscious is telling me that I'm confused?
Anyway, for the past few weeks I've been in a rut. I feel like I'm just going through the motions and not really enjoying my life. I haven't been able to put my finger on exactly what the problem is, but maybe my subconscious wants me to figure it out before I drive myself crazy :)


  1. To quote Freud: "Sometime's a cigar is just a cigar."

    Really I can't give much of an opinion on the dream since there wasn't much detail posted on it other then your interpretation of it. I shall assume that your limited detail is for privacy preference or to spare any potential embarrassment for whoever was the other person in the car. But still, if it was an interesting dream it might be something that you feel you are missing or neglecting in your life. In a general sense it seems like the first part of your dream may be an indication of an issue you need to confront in order to reach the second goal. Since dreams are always about the internal self wanting to send a message to the awake self perhaps it is a part of your life/personality that you've been repressing or avoiding?

    Just some thoughts. As far as being in a rut that might be the springtime weather getting under your skin and causing wanderlust!

  2. Freud would have had a field day with this one :)

    I think you hit the nail on the head with most of your comment. I suppose I wasn't really asking for an opinion of the dream, or else I would have given more details. And you're right, I was intentionally vague about the details... mostly because I post the link to this blog on Facebook and too many people have access to it. LOL.

    Interesting that you assume there was one "other person in the car." I never said there was only one. I made reference to "we," which could mean two or more. In this case it IS just one other person (damn you for being right again!), but I don't think the identity of the person is very important. I think the other person was just a vehicle (no pun intended) for the message in the dream. It could be that this person was someone with whom I recently interacted in my waking hours, so my brain just went with that. Who knows?

    As for the rest of the dream... I kind of had the same idea as you. There's something I need to overcome or confront (first part of the dream) in order to feel fulfilled (second part of the dream). The car could also possibly represent the "journey" (physical or otherwise) that I need to take in order to be satisfied with my life.

    Normally I don't look up my dreams, but specific details about this one intrigued me. For example, in the first part of the dream I was in my car but I was NOT the driver... in fact, I rode in the backseat. It struck me as odd because I almost never ride in the backseat of a car. If I'm not driving, I'm usually in the passenger seat. The interpretation is that I'm not "in the driver's seat" or in control of something in my life. I probably would have dismissed the interpretation as nonsense, except the details of the first part all pointed to the same general theme, and the details of the second part all pointed to a completely opposite theme. Bizarre indeed.

    You are SO RIGHT about the spring weather and wanderlust!!! (Which, by the way, is one of my favorite words.) In fact, I had another dream last night, but the only part I remember clearly is that I was looking at a map and planning out a route. I definitely have some sort of journey on my mind. Road trip, anyone? :)

  3. In every dream that anyone has, all aspects are merely reflections of ourselves and how we interact with our world... so everyone and everything in every dream is a part of your inner psyche...including that driver as well as the car, the you in the backseat... if music was playing... man I love dream interpreting.

    I would love a road trip, pending the usual 'I feel like such a cashless bum' problem is solved.

    The assumption of there being only one other person in the car was mainly from my dirty mind associating : "hesitant to enter into unfamiliar territory" to which I associated with sex.. like I associate sex with all of human civilization (see Freud ;o ).

    Maybe this is your Fight Club moment, which if you didn't see (cause I noticed that a lot of my recommended movies are unseen...and now that I said you need to see it, look for the TV to obey me and play it for you! ). There is a particular scene where they are in a limo and the lead character just lets go of the wheel while driving as a test of life and once you mentioned you weren't the driver..that is what I recalled.

    Another possible interpretation is that, as you put it, are on a journey and that a part of you is not happy with where you are going or unsure of the decision/destination (maybe about house hunting? career? relationship? social standing?).

    In essence you are driving yourself to where you think you need to be, but are feeling like you are not in control of your own future because you are being walked through something that really, you feel like you have to do because everyone else is doing it at your age (hence families, houses, hobbies) and you might be feeling forced to do it simply because you think it is where you need to be when you compare yourself to your peers (work /friendships?).

    I'd say if it becomes a recurring dream/dream theme then something might have been missed. I tend to have few dreams but they usually end up being recurring ones for short durations.

