I've been going to teacher seminars in Chestnut Hill all week. I've had a less than stellar commute pretty much every day. Monday it rained and the normally 40 minute ride took me an hour and a half. Tuesday I left early, didn't hit any traffic, and got there early. Wednesday... grrr... every road known to man was closed or flooded. It took me 2 hours to get to the college, where I found out the seminar was cancelled. Then it took me 2 hours to get home. I spent 4 hours in the car and didn't go anywhere. Today traffic was good... but I had a coffee mishap. I went to Dunkin Donuts, ordered my coffee black w/cream & sugar on the side. I got to the turnpike and realized that he didn't give me a stirrer for my coffee. DAMNIT. So I MacGyvered that shit. I found an old pen, took out the ink tube, reassembled it, and used it to stir my coffee. Mmmm.... caffeine...
Anyway, the seminars are boring as hell. I could teach these things. I actually should teach them. It probably pays damn well. And it'd be better than sitting there, listening to someone talk about stuff I already do in my classroom.
So Erin and Mike are now in Vegas... tomorrow they will be married! The bride-to-be has been sending me the funniest text messages since she landed in Vegas. Right now, she is drunk. Lucky bitch. Drunk in Vegas, and getting married to boot. I should un-friend her for awhile. Find some pathetic single friends, so I don't feel so bad about myself. Kidding, of course.
Tonight was my last night of class for Summer I semester. Summer II starts Monday, which sucks. Anyway, a bunch of us from class went to dinner at Chickie's and Pete's. Had a few beers, some chicken fingers, and crab fries. Mmmm... crab fries... (I'm starting to sound like Homer Simpson.)
I guess I should go to sleep. I don't feel like sleeping yet, but I need to be up early tomorrow.
Thank you for joining me in my randomness.