Saturday, August 18, 2007

All grown up (?)

Tonight I had "grown up" night with Other Heather and Becky. I got dressed up (i.e. no jeans) and went to a low key bar and drank grown up drinks (i.e. no beer). Other Heather was celebrating tonight - 5 years cancer free! She's officially in remission now. Definitely worth celebrating. So we went to the London Grill, where I drank a vodka tonic and snacked on duck quesadillas. We talked about jobs, relationships (or lack, thereof) and life in general. Made me feel kinda old. And the bar was playing 80s tunes, which didn't help... the fact that I knew all the songs made me feel even older.

Good Lord, when did I grow up? Or maybe I didn't. Maybe I was just playing grown up for a night.

When does one actually become a grown up, anyway? I know the legal age for "adult" is 18, but I didn't feel like one then. Something happens between college and the rest of your life that transforms you into a grown up. Maybe it's when you have a career instead of a job. Or when you worry about things like a 401K or a mortgage. Or when you'd rather curl up on the couch with a good book than go to a club. Or when you start saving your money for a car or a house instead of a new CD or video game.

Kinda scary.

So I guess I'm a grown up. It doesn't mean I have to stop having fun... I've just changed my idea of what "fun" is.

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