Thursday, October 11, 2007

it’s the little things...

Sam and I were watching TV and we saw a Dunkin' Donuts commercial for pumpkin flavored coffee and muffins... and it was like the 17th time we're seen the commercial this week. Today actually felt like autumn and pumpkin snacks sounded ever so tasty ... therefore, it was decided that a Dunkin' Donuts trip was in order. We donned our jackets (yay for cool weather!) and hopped in the car. When we got to DD, I noticed that there were no pumpkin muffins... which is what I had been craving. I settled for a coffee cake muffin, accompanied by a hot cocoa (free with coupon!). After Sam ordered her donuts, one of which was pumpkin flavored, I commented that the pumpkin donut looked mighty tasty. The man behind the counter handed me another one and said, "Try the pumpkin, too." Free donut!!! Score!!!

It was a wonderful end to the day... and now I can start my Friday morning with a pumpkin flavored donut (and my daily mug of hazelnut coffee). Life is good.

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