Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Things are going swimmingly at the apartment. Except for my roommate - she's a real bitch (tee hee... just kidding, Sam!). Anyway, our DSL gets hooked up tomorrow... FINALLY!!!... so until then, my only internet access is Sam's dial-up or my work computer. If you email me and don't hear anything back, it's not because I don't love you anymore. Well, maybe it is for some of you. You know who you are.

Among the things we've had to deal with since moving in:

  • garbage disposal backing up (thank goodness we had the foresight to buy a plunger)
  • a gallon of milk curdling completely
  • a bag of baby carrots went very soft (some to the point of near liquification)
  • our washing machine in the cellar tends to get a wee bit noisy... reminds me of when I lived at the apartment at LaSalle and our upstairs neighbor would have extremely loud, obnoxious, headboard-banging sex with her boyfriend, who visited every Wednesday (which is why we dubbed it "Fuck Me Wednesdays")
  • the garbage can (labeled with our address) mysteriously disappeared from the side of the house... and not on trash day

Also, I dropped a Corelle bowl while doing the dishes. I had no idea that Corelle would shatter the way it did. I'm talking tiny little shards of bowl dust, all over the floor. It practically disintegrated. I thought Corelle was supposed to be pretty sturdy. Guess not.

Anyway, it's all minor problems. So far.

On the plus side, I got a bookcase, so now my books are all in place, which makes me feel SO much better. And we've had a few visitors... my parents stopped over on Saturday (and brought pizza!), and last night Erin and Henry came over. It's slowly feeling more like home. Slowly.

One of the best things about living on my own is that I no longer have to check in with anyone about where I'm going or what I'm doing. On Friday night, I went to Karen's to hang out with her, Joe and Dooner. I didn't get home til 4 AM (as per usual, when I'm hanging out with that crew)... but my mom didn't call at 2 AM to say that she woke up and noticed I wasn't home. And when I got home, there was no dog to bark when I came in. It was very liberating. (Sounds lame, I know... but it's the little things that make me happy.)

And now, my friends, I must go... the morning bell rang and I have to go out and get my students.

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