Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's List

By accident, I stumbled upon a blog that was written by people who are probably my soulmates. It's called Listmaker Collective. (Can you see the attraction?? It's like internet kismet!) Sadly, the last post was from December of 2009... so it's no longer an active site.
I was inspired by the idea of making random lists for different categories (because you know how much I love my lists), so I decided to make Wednesday my List Making Day. Today's list is...
Things I Do To Distract Myself From Things That Are Bothering Me

  1. go on Facebook
  2. text someone
  3. listen to music
  4. clean things (usually something very involved, like the kitchen or bathroom)
  5. organize something (I feel like organizing physical items compensates for not being able to organize emotions)
  6. exercise
  7. watch mindless TV (thank goodness for DVR)
  8. make lists
  9. go shopping
  10. start a project
  11. call my mom
  12. read a book
  13. write in my journal
  14. write a blog
  15. play with my dog
  16. bake
  17. plan something big (party, outing, game night... something that requires me to invest my time and energy)
  18. talk too much
  19. rationalize a situation to the point of overthinking it (which is really only a temporary distraction)
  20. watch a ridiculously cheesy chick flick
  21. weed through clothes, magazines, books, beauty products to find things to throw away/donate (decluttering is always therapeutic)
  22. go through old photo albums or scrapbooks
  23. pray
  24. surf the 'net for blogs and fun websites
  25. go to clothing websites that I have bookmarked and pick out clothes I'd buy if I had more money and/or the ability to try them on
  26. take deep, cleansing breaths (sometimes accompanied by a mantra of my choosing)

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