Friday, December 30, 2005

Remember when New Year's Eve was fun?

Maybe it's just me, but I truly do not enjoy New Year's Eve anymore. I don't know what happened, exactly. I used to like it. Back in high school, and perhaps the first year or two of college, I threw an annual New Year's Eve party. All of my friends (and their friends) had a standing invitation to the party, and we always had a good time. Or at least that's how I remember it. Perhaps I'm editing memory here, but I like the idea of thinking that everyone had a good time at my parties.

At some point, I outgrew the parties... and some of the friends, too... and they outgrew me. I remember the first year that my party plans were threatened by a severe lack of guests. It seems that one of my guests planned her own party. The guest list was divided, and loyalties were challenged. It was messy. But if I recall correctly, that year proved to be my biggest and best New Year's Eve party. Some 40 people showed up (invited and uninvited), an impromptu dance floor was created, and several people stuck around until the wee hours of the morning. (I have the whole thing documented on several hours worth of video tape.)

It was my best New Year's Eve party, and also my last. To everything, there is a season, I suppose.

After that, there was a series of interesting New Year's Eves: a Barenaked Ladies concert, a completely spontaneous crashing of a party at the house of an old high school friend (that was 99-00, and I wound up having a really good time), and following that, the year that all of my friends were invited to their friends' parties. (That was the first year that I spent at home, alone, with the clock covered, because I couldn't stand the idea of ringing in the new year by myself.)

For the next two years, some friends and I went to parties at bars we used to frequent. Expensive, loud, hot. Crowded with drunk people I didn't know and didn't like. Not worth my time or my money.

This year I'm going to New York, to be with my friends and their friends. We've rented a limo to take us to a hibachi restaurant/club for dinner, drinking and dancing. A bit on the pricy side, I guess, but it sounds like a really good time. I'm looking forward to it, not because it's New Year's Eve, but because I get to spend time with people I like.

It's not that I hate New Year's Eve... I just don't like how people make such a huge deal out of it (and every other holiday we celebrate).

Okay, I'm venting again. And damnit, I'm not even finished. I really wanted to tackle the whole New Year's resolution thing. Ah, another post for another time.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


So here's the deal: I have the entire week off from work. I know that sounds fabulous and glorious, but seriously, it's not all it's cracked up to be.

First of all, most of my friends work non-teaching jobs, so no one else is around to hang out with during the day. I can go out at night, but my friends can't stay out late, because they have to work the next day.

Being home all day with nothing to do sounds great... in theory... but after the first day, it gets kinda boring. Since I had a very stressful month of work and school, I decided not to bring home any work over break. So I don't have papers to grade, and I'm between semesters in grad school, so I don't have any classwork to do.

I've been spending my days off doing the following: laundry (every blessed piece of clothing or bedding I own), feeding and walking the dog (who sleeps most of the day), watching TV and DVDs, checking/writing email.

I keep thinking I should DO something. I thought about going out today, but I'm not sure where to go. For the first time in YEARS I didn't get any giftcards for Christmas, so I haven't felt like going shopping. (Plus, there's nothing I need to buy.) I'm not a fan of going to the movies, so that's out.

Then I thought, hell with it. I have a week off. There's no law that says I have to do something with my time off. So why can't I just sit here and do nothing for several days in a row? How often do I get to do that? Not often at all. Not even in the summer, since I work camp and take summer classes.

So that works for a few minutes. I convince myself that I don't need to do anything at all. And then, out of nowhere, I feel guilty for doing nothing.

I can't win.

Currently, I have my sheets in the wash and Season 2 of "Mad About You" playing on TV. I spent about 10 minutes writing this blog, and now that it's done, I feel like I should go organize my CD collection or something.

Monday, December 26, 2005

happy day after christmas to you!

So, Christmas is over. And now I can sit in my pajamas all day and do absolutely nothing, because I deserve the break, damnit. I had the longest week ever. On Tuesday, I swore it was Wednesday... on Wednesday, I thought it felt like Thursday... by Thursday, I just didn't give a shit anymore. I had full days of work from Monday-Thursday... and if you have a six year old (or just know one), you know how excited they get about Christmas and Santa and presents and everything else that goes with it. Imagine 19 six year olds. For 4 1/2 days. Holy crap.

Thursday night was our school's annual Christmas show, which meant an extra long day for me. My kids were cute as hell (of course), and the show was great, but I was exhausted by the end of the night. That didn't stop me from going out with Erin to Whiskey Tango to see a kickass cover band. We met up with Karen, Rich, and Gina... and Kay was there, too! I had way too much to drink, resulting in a wicked hangover Friday morning. Dealing with six year olds whilst hungover is NOT a good idea. Thank God it was a half day - I don't know how Erin got through a full day with her 6th graders. She's a trooper. :-)

Last night Doug and I headed over to Kay's for her Christmas karaoke party. I kicked some ass. (Well, I think so, anyway, and that's all that counts.) I would've smoked my last song ("How You Remind Me") if it wasn't for my "backup singers." I need to go get a Play Station so I can buy the karaoke game and throw singing parties.

And the week ain't over yet: I've got another night out, another party, and New Year's Eve in New York. Woo-hoo!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

a Christmas rant

I am fucking sick to death of everyone suddenly being all PC about the "holiday season." We can't say "Merry Christmas" without offending someone. We can't display a nativity scene in a public place. And certain stores now have banners advertising "holiday trees," instead of "Christmas trees." Come on, now, how many holidays in December (or any other month, for that matter) use a pine tree? You're not fooling anyone by changing the word "Christmas" to "holiday."

I don't know who is doing the complaining, but it's getting out of hand. My mother works in a large bank in Newtown that has always decorated for Christmas. This year, a customer called to complain about the decorations, saying that he would take his money out of the bank if the decorations weren't removed. The complaint made its way to the president of the bank, who ordered the decorations to be taken down. What happened next? Well, of course, several other loyal customers called to complain that there were NO decorations on display. Those complaints were also directed to the bank’s president, but he has opted to keep the bank Christmas-free. (I’m so very grateful that I work in a Catholic school, and that I’m not only allowed, but encouraged to decorate for Christmas.)

It’s not a religious thing… even though people are treating it that way. But think about it. Who exactly is pushing Christmas and Christmas carols and Christmas shopping? The media. Two stations in Philly were playing non-stop “holiday music” in November (which really means “Christmas music,” since I’ve yet to hear a Hanukkah or Kwanzaa song.) If you watch TV, read the paper, or use the Internet, you’ve been seeing ads for decorations, presents and other assorted holiday paraphernalia for over a month now.

And if people are so worked up about it being a religious issue (saying that stores who promote Christmas are favoring one religious holiday over another)… well, maybe they should take a look at the people who celebrate Christmas. I don’t want to get all holier-than-thou here, but the truth is that Christmas began as a religious holiday. There are many, many people who celebrate Christmas by putting up a tree, baking cookies and buying presents, despite the fact that they aren’t practicing Catholics/Christians. I could name several right now, but I’m not going to single anyone out, because it’s not fair to them. In our society, it’s become acceptable to turn a religious celebration into a secular, commercialized one. Look at the other holidays we celebrate. February 14th – a day that we’re urged to remember our loved ones with chocolates and cards – is the feast of Saint Valentine, a Catholic saint. March 17th – a day that many people use as an opportunity to get drunk – is the feast of Saint Patrick, another Catholic saint. Mardi Gras, a day for drinking, partying and flashing people, is the day before the Catholic season of Lent. Mardi Gras was traditionally a day to eat and drink before Lent’s 40-day period of fast and sacrifice. Even the legend of the non-religious holiday icon Santa Claus was based on a Catholic saint, Saint Nicholas, who left gifts of money for the poor people in his village.

See, I said I wasn’t going to be a holy roller, but it got kinda hard not to. I don’t have anything against non-practicing Catholics who celebrate Christmas… but it’s like me saying, “Hey, 8 days of presents sounds like a good idea. I think I’m gonna celebrate Hanukkah from now on.” It just doesn’t make sense.

I’m not sure who my beef is with. The media, for forcing Christmas down our throats? Maybe. The overly sensitive people who seem to think that everything is a personal slight against them? Perhaps. At any rate, I refuse to apologize for my beliefs and opinions.

That having been said, I apologize if this blog was offensive to anyone. Happy holidays, all!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

who needs sleep?

I had a crazy week. And then I had a crazy weekend. This has been the story of my life for the past few weeks, and I fear next week will be no different.

After teaching a full day on Thursday, I had to stay for parent conferences from 4-7 PM. On Friday, we had conferences again from 9-11 AM, followed by our faculty Christmas party. Got home at 3, baked four dozen cupcakes for Lunch with Santa, did some laundry, and went to Karen's Christmas party.

(Brief notes about party, for those who did not attend: much alcohol was consumed, old jokes and high school memories were revisited, inappropriate text messages were sent, and a good time was had by all. Got home at 4 AM, and woke up at 8 AM. With a wee bit of a hangover.)

This morning, I went to our school's Lunch with Santa. The cafeteria was filled with kids ranging in age from 6 months to 12 years... and oh my GOD, the noise... Not exactly the place a person with a hangover and 4 hours of sleep should be. So needless to say, I was exhausted when I came home. I pretty much did nothing tonight. Threw in some laundry, put on a movie, slept through most of it.

So it's 8 days until Christmas. Is everyone ready? I'm not. I have to finish shopping and start baking. I need to decide what to give my first graders for Christmas. I have to wrap my presents. So much to do, so little time. I'm not a fan of the hustle or the bustle. But the holly and the jolly I like.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"... I twisted it wrong just to make it right..."

I figured that after those two completely bitchy posts, I should assure my readers that I am in much better spirits these days. (And no, I'm not drunk...)

Work is going well. The kids are extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY hyper... what with the upcoming holiday season and all... but I've been able to stay on top of them. For the most part.

My principal was in my room last week to observe me. My kids were awesome, and my principal loved my lesson. Report cards are due tomorrow (I just finished writing them - no one failed!), and parent conferences are Thursday & Friday. After that, it's smooth sailing as far as work goes. Our faculty party is this Friday after conferences, our school Christmas show is next Thursday... and next Friday at 12 PM, I'll be running out the door, car keys in hand, ready to start my break. Woo-hoo!

And to end this on a happy note - the past few days have been stressful and frustrating and exhausting (for various reasons, some of which will remain nameless). But today, I was positively giddy (also for various reasons, none of which will be revealed here). I was tempted to do the Snoopy happy dance (you know... the one he does in the Charlie Brown Christmas special?), but I was afraid I'd scare my kiddies. I really wanted to, though. Tee hee...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

and it continues...

My weekend just got exponentially worse. I woke up this morning and heard a story that REALLY upset me. And then the dog threw up.

I'm done with my weekend. I just wanna go back to work.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

why this weekend sucked

Sooooo.... this is probably gonna be a long bitchy blog. If you don't want to hear me complain, stop reading now.

Are you sure?


If you've decided to embark on this journey with me, then I give you props. I'm not in a good mood, and since blogging is currently my only available outlet, I plan to make good use of it.
I had a four day weekend, and I had a lot of plans for it. Planned to wake up early on Thursday and spend my day shopping. Instead, I slept til 11:30 and got a late start on shopping. I did, however, get a lot done (God bless Target), so I didn't feel so bad about sleeping in. Thursday night I went to the Fiona Apple concert. I purposely left my house early, based on my past experiences driving to Tower Theater. I got caught in traffic on 95 and then again on 676. Then Market Street was closed for construction, so I had to take a crazy detour around an area of the city with which I am unfamiliar, and therefore, uncomfortable. I got to the concert 15 minutes late, but all I missed was the guy who opened, and he wasn't that hot. Fiona, on the other hand, was awesome. Highly recommended. Great, great show.

Planned to do more shopping on Friday, followed by decorating. Woke up to lots of snow, and found out that "all public and parochial schools" were closed. DAMNIT. They called a snow day on my day off!!! What a huge waste. I opted not to go shopping and spent the day decorating with my mother (who called out of work).

That brings us to today. I had tickets for a Flyers game, but gave them up because I agreed to go with my mother on a bus trip to Lancaster & Reading to visit a Christmas Village and a National Christmas Museum. (It sounded like a good idea at the time...) Most of the trip was nice. It was mostly older people... and one five year old boy named Adam, who the tour guide just thought was the cutest damn thing. I did not. (Off-duty teachers are not required to think children are cute. Especially on the weekend.) The last stop we made was to a Christmas Village. It was entirely outdoors - basically a light display that looked fabulous from the road, and kinda crappy close-up. (The closer you get to Christmas light designs, the less they look like whatever it is they're supposed to look like.) It was bitter cold, extremely crowded, and a little too commercialized for my taste. Canned Christmas music (I heard the Neil Diamond version of "The Hallelujah Chorus." Seriously.), gaudy light displays, and obnoxious, cranky people do not make for a fun evening.

The bus was supposed to be back in Philly by 8:45, which means I'd have been home by 9 at the latest. I had plans to go see Jealousy Curve and Bridges and a Bottle at Grape Street tonight. I even had a ride offer from Ray. Sadly, I had to text him to let him know I would not be able to make it, because the bus left the Christmas Village 15 minutes later than planned, and I didn't get home until 9:40. Sure, I could've driven myself to Manayunk... but by the time I cleaned the snow off of my car and tapped MAC, it just wouldn't have been worth it.

So now I'm home on Saturday night and I'm bored and I'm pissed off and I just spent 20 minutes bitching about my weekend on myspace. Blah.

I'm going to go listen to some music and grade some papers until I fall asleep. I still have one day left of the weekend - maybe it won't be a total waste.

Thanks for listening. I'm done bitching now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

feelin' fabulous

I went to class tonight - the last one of the semester! Yay! Oh, and I got my big ass project back. I got an A, which means I also have an A for the course. 4.0, baby!

Okay, enough bragging. I gotta go grade some papers. Report cards are due next week.

19 days until Christmas!

Saturday, December 3, 2005

xmas, free verse

today, I'm Christmas-ing
wrapping paper
all unearthed from their places of spring hibernation
and stacked in piles on the basement floor
an unwieldy array of cheer
ready to be displayed
the ordinary of the house is suffocated
by the jingle of bells
and the circle of wreaths
too much merry

the calm of me is stifled
by the pile of ads
the call of the mall
the emptiness of wallet

'tis the season