Saturday, June 10, 2006

lack of sleep - not a good thing...

I was all set to get on here and blog about my weekend, and now I'm too tired to do it. Blah. But I'm gonna do it anyway, because I'm too bored to go to bed. I think I'm overtired. Let's go back and start at the beginning...

Friday night we had a Girls Only Slumber Party at Karen's apartment. Six girls, lots of booze, several chick flicks, a few issues of Cosmo, and a ton of healthy snacks (veggies, fruit, other assorted fat-free and low-fat snacking options). I think the idea was female-bonding and reliving the fun of our girlhood slumber parties. What happened instead? We got trashed, gossiped, made drunk phone calls, and passed out sometime around 2:30 AM. It was a hell of a lot of fun, though. Some things I remember from the evening's festivities: Karen standing on the chair in her kitchen while we were doing shots, everyone sampling Erin's concoction (Pink Bichon!), me and Heather bonding on the front steps, Jeanette's pool cue, Sam keeping a list of ridiculous drunk things we said, me shushing everyone during Christian Slater's "abyss" line in "Heathers," Rich fighting to get the futon open when he came to pick up Heather, me discovering Erin asleep in the bathtub at 6:30 in the morning (apparently I was snoring too loud... damn allergies...). As always, good times were had by all.

I got home at around noon, made an Eggbeater sandwich, ate it, and then fell asleep on the recliner for a few hours. Woke up, discovered that "Bring It On" was on USA, got a phone call from drunk Erin (who informed me that I must leave all my evenings free for her) and then finally felt awake enough to get ready to go to dinner with my friend (the bride-to-be mentioned in my blogs about a month ago).

Dinner was fun. We went to Great American (where else would I go?), chatted about the wedding, caught up on other stuff. And we saw Tim and Michael there (I always see someone I know at GA...). Before I went to dinner, I told my mother that I knew I'd be fielding the two questions I dread more than any others: "Have you met anyone?" (which is girl-speak for "Have you met anyone you'd be interested in dating?") and "So, what are you going to do after you graduate?" Bride-to-be asked me both before we even got to the restaurant. My answers? "No," and "I don't know yet." I didn't bother elaborating. They're loaded questions with complicated answers.

Well, I think that's all I have the energy for tonight. I guess I should eventually get some sleep.

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