Friday, April 13, 2007

more about the damn wedding

The bride-to-be called me the other day, to "catch up" (aka - talk about the wedding). I had to keep reminding myself... It's her special day... It's not my wedding... It's her special day... It became my silent mantra. I hung up feeling even more annoyed.

A list of things that annoyed me:

~ She asked me if I was bringing a guest, and I said I wasn't sure. She said, "Oh, I thought you'd bring Heather or Becky, or one of your girl friends that I knew." Is it just me, or does anyone else think bringing a female friend is completely strange? Furthermore, why would she assume that I wasn't bringing a male guest? Damnit. I could find a guy to bring if I wanted to. I think.

~ And while we're on the subject... she confirmed that everyone in the bridal party is bringing a date/guest. The table situation at the reception will be loads of fun. Kinda like being a third wheel on a date, but with extra couples. (I might have to take Joe up on his offer after all, to avoid that whole ordeal.)

~ The salon she's going to get her hair done doesn't take appointments. We just have to show up early and "hope for the best." (It's her special day... It's not my wedding... It's her special day... ) There are 6 people involved with the wedding that are planning to get their hair done there. I'm thinking I'd be better off getting my hair done in the Northeast and paying for it myself (bride-zilla had offered to pay for us if we went to the salon near her house). Can anyone recommend a good place?

~ And sadly, the transportation situation hasn't changed. I'm still driving myself to and from the church and reception.

I was at a small staff party after work today, and my co-workers asked about the wedding. They were appalled at the lack of organization, especially since the bride-to-be taught at our school for a few years, and everyone who worked with her knows about her anal-retentive attention to detail.

The faculty began discussing weddings they've been in (or been to). Several of the older staff members recall when each groomsman drove the bridesmaid that they were partnered with. (I've never heard of that, but my mother confirmed it.) The younger teachers talked about busses, trolleys, limos, stretch SUVs... and the fun of riding with the wedding party. Nothing like chugging a beer on the way to the ceremony, eh?

Anyway, four faculty members are going to the ceremony, and two of those four are going to the reception. They started talking amongst themselves to work out a ride situation for me, because they've all seen the dress and they agree that it wasn't made for driving. The conversation went sort of like this: "Okay, so if you drive to the reception hall and leave your car there, I can pick you up on my way to the church... then the sisters can drop you off at the bride's mother's house and you can get someone from the wedding party to drive you to the reception. Then you can drive home." At this point, my principal broke in with, "No, if you're driving home, that means you can't drink. That's no fun." (I like the way she thinks...) "So what if you get one of your parents to drop you off at the church, then after the ceremony you can come back to the convent with us for awhile, and we'll drive you to the reception. Then you can take a cab home." And so on. So at least now I have some options. It just seems like a lot of trouble.

Anyway, I just needed to vent all that. And now I feel a little bit better.

(It's her day... It's her special day... It's not my wedding... It's her special day...)

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