Monday, February 14, 2011


It's Valentine's Day.

A few days ago I wrote about how I was done being bitter and I wanted to find a way to make this day special, so that it would lose its association with coupley things. Well as it turns out, it wasn't a very special day. In fact, it was pretty much a normal Monday. I worked, I made dinner, I did laundry, I read a few chapters of a book. I guess you could say it's my fault for not making any extra effort, but in the end I decided it really doesn't make a difference.

Anyway, I made it through the day without feeling bitter at all. (Although I did feel slightly jealous of the people who posted on Facebook or texted me pics of the flowers from their boyfriends/husbands. I love flowers, damnit.)

And just to prove that I'm not a complete Scrooge (or whoever the Valentine's Day equivalent is), here are some very Valentine-y, Hallmark-y things I did to celebrate the day:
  • I sent Valentine's Day cards to my parents, my godson, and my best friend's sons.
  • I wore my red and pink socks with hearts on them.
  • I gave heart stickers to the kindergarteners I worked with today.
  • I made Valentine treat bags for my CCD students.
  • I posted a lovely video on Facebook of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers dancing to Cole Porter's "Night and Day."
For all intents and purposes, I embraced the "true meaning" of Valentine's Day. But I'll be the first to admit that my heart wasn't really in it. (No pun intended... ha!)

I think it'll take some time before I can enjoy this holiday as a single person. Although I'm not sure I'd enjoy it any more as part of a couple, either... because quite honestly, February 14th isn't more special or romantic than March 12th or August 28th. And don't you think getting flowers on a random Tuesday is way more romantic than getting them on Valentine's Day?

Oh well... there's always next year :)

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