Saturday, October 21, 2006

the book club meeting that wasn't

Today Heather and I had lunch at a Chinese restaurant and then got our hair done (by Nat!). Fun times filled with lots of gossip, as is typical of a beauty salon.

Tonight was supposed to be a book club meeting, but three members of book club couldn't come. That left only four of us. And I didn't read the book (no time, what with work and grad school, etc). So me, Sam and MK just decided to chill at Heather's place and watch "Rocky Horror Picture Show" whilst munching on treats like veggies, spinach dip, fruit, pumpkin dip, cookies and finger sandiwches. Later, we even pulled out the Mad Libs for some grammar-infused goodness.

I drank a lot of wine at Heather's, so I should be exhausted, but I had way too much caffeine today. A diet Coke, a diet Pepsi, and a large Dunkin Donuts chocolate-hazelnut coffee. I think the caffeine and the alcohol are both trying to work at the same time. Caffeine is currently winning, as I'm wide awake and have no intentions of sleeping. However, my eyes are starting to hurt from the computer screen, so I think I'll lay in bed and watch my "Friends" DVD until I fall asleep.

This post was long and mostly pointless, but it kept me busy. That's all I care about.

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