Friday, July 6, 2007

Leaving Melbourne

Hello friends!

It's our last night in Melbourne. Tomorrow morning/afternoon we fly to Perth. I think there's actually a time change from Melbourne to Perth, which kinda sucks. I just got my body used to the 14 hour time change from Philly to Melbourne. And I'm still having trouble keeping track of the date. Ugh.

It's been a busy couple of days. We haven't done much in the way of sight-seeing, because the boys had a lot of rehearsals and then a performance tonight. Most nights I'm asleep by 10 (or earlier). Right now it's 11:49 PM, which is rather late for me... but I just got in from the boys' concert about 20 minutes ago, and we get to sleep in a bit later tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that immensely.

In spite of the busy schedule, I'm having a great time. I've had time to get to know the boys in the choir as well as the other chaps. I've had a chance to explore downtown Melbourne, which is a very cool city. And I've gotten more exercise than I've had in a long time... we walk everywhere!

Still haven't seen any kangaroos or koalas. We'll be visiting the Australia zoo later in the tour, and I'm told I'll see plenty of cool animals there. But I have had a chance to meet some wonderful people here. They've offered lots of suggestions for things I should see or do or taste (!!!) while I'm here. One of those things is vegemite. For those of you not in the know, vegemite is a spread made from yeast. It's black and apparently very salty. I don't think I'll be trying it, but I will bring some samples home if anyone's interested.

Okay, I think it's time for bed. My eyes are getting bleary. I'll write more when I get to Perth!

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