Saturday, January 2, 2010

Staying on track

It wasn't my goal to write a blog every day, but I'm still on Christmas break from work so I have more free time than usual. And because I just made all of these resolutions a few days ago, I think writing daily helps keep me in line.

So far, I'm doing well on a few of the resolutions. Namely the ones that I've been able to tackle in the first two days of the new year. Resolution #1 was "Go to church." Done and done. I went New Year's Eve (since Jan. 1 is a holy day) and I went tonight, to fulfill my Sunday obligation. Now I just need to keep that up. I actually really like going to Mass, but I get lazy about it.

And resolution #6 "Simplify and declutter"... I spent a good part of today sortng through a pile on my desk and a huge storage bin that's been sitting in the hallway since I moved into this apartment in September. I threw stuff away and filed other things into folders to be dealt with later. That's another project for another time.

I'd do more decluttering, but tonight I feel like honoring resolution #4... having more of a social life. Now I just need to figure out how to do that.

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