Saturday, December 10, 2005

why this weekend sucked

Sooooo.... this is probably gonna be a long bitchy blog. If you don't want to hear me complain, stop reading now.

Are you sure?


If you've decided to embark on this journey with me, then I give you props. I'm not in a good mood, and since blogging is currently my only available outlet, I plan to make good use of it.
I had a four day weekend, and I had a lot of plans for it. Planned to wake up early on Thursday and spend my day shopping. Instead, I slept til 11:30 and got a late start on shopping. I did, however, get a lot done (God bless Target), so I didn't feel so bad about sleeping in. Thursday night I went to the Fiona Apple concert. I purposely left my house early, based on my past experiences driving to Tower Theater. I got caught in traffic on 95 and then again on 676. Then Market Street was closed for construction, so I had to take a crazy detour around an area of the city with which I am unfamiliar, and therefore, uncomfortable. I got to the concert 15 minutes late, but all I missed was the guy who opened, and he wasn't that hot. Fiona, on the other hand, was awesome. Highly recommended. Great, great show.

Planned to do more shopping on Friday, followed by decorating. Woke up to lots of snow, and found out that "all public and parochial schools" were closed. DAMNIT. They called a snow day on my day off!!! What a huge waste. I opted not to go shopping and spent the day decorating with my mother (who called out of work).

That brings us to today. I had tickets for a Flyers game, but gave them up because I agreed to go with my mother on a bus trip to Lancaster & Reading to visit a Christmas Village and a National Christmas Museum. (It sounded like a good idea at the time...) Most of the trip was nice. It was mostly older people... and one five year old boy named Adam, who the tour guide just thought was the cutest damn thing. I did not. (Off-duty teachers are not required to think children are cute. Especially on the weekend.) The last stop we made was to a Christmas Village. It was entirely outdoors - basically a light display that looked fabulous from the road, and kinda crappy close-up. (The closer you get to Christmas light designs, the less they look like whatever it is they're supposed to look like.) It was bitter cold, extremely crowded, and a little too commercialized for my taste. Canned Christmas music (I heard the Neil Diamond version of "The Hallelujah Chorus." Seriously.), gaudy light displays, and obnoxious, cranky people do not make for a fun evening.

The bus was supposed to be back in Philly by 8:45, which means I'd have been home by 9 at the latest. I had plans to go see Jealousy Curve and Bridges and a Bottle at Grape Street tonight. I even had a ride offer from Ray. Sadly, I had to text him to let him know I would not be able to make it, because the bus left the Christmas Village 15 minutes later than planned, and I didn't get home until 9:40. Sure, I could've driven myself to Manayunk... but by the time I cleaned the snow off of my car and tapped MAC, it just wouldn't have been worth it.

So now I'm home on Saturday night and I'm bored and I'm pissed off and I just spent 20 minutes bitching about my weekend on myspace. Blah.

I'm going to go listen to some music and grade some papers until I fall asleep. I still have one day left of the weekend - maybe it won't be a total waste.

Thanks for listening. I'm done bitching now.

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