Sunday, March 26, 2006

Where my boyz at?

I was talking to my friend Heather last week, and we got into a conversation about friends. It occured to me that I really don't have any guy friends. I used to. In fact, there was a time when I had more close guy friends than girl friends.

Right now, the only guys I know are either my brother's friends, or my girl friends' husbands/fiances/boyfriends. And neither group can really qualify as MY friends. So what happened here? Where did all the boys go?

Maybe there's something to that Harry & Sally thing after all. Maybe when you reach a certain age you just don't have friends of the opposite sex, unless they're you're boyfriend's friends or your girl friends' significant others. That kinda sucks, though.

Just to clarify... This isn't about dating (that's another post, trust me). It's about having guys to hang with. It's about needing a male perspective every now and then. It's kinda hard to explain, but I'm sure everyone out there has had both male and female friends. You know the difference.

Just some random musings for a Sunday afternoon.

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