Sunday, August 19, 2007

this is why I love summer...

My family (i.e. cousins and aunts) came over for my godson's 16th birthday yesterday. Hoagies, snacks, soda, pool, cake, etc. I'm cool with my family, but after approximately 8 hours, I was ready to jump ship.

Enter Sam. She texted me telling me to come over for drinks, snacks and conversation. Screw the drinks and snacks... I just wanted to get away from the family. I headed over at around 9:30 and thanked Sam profusely for the text. After I got settled in downstairs, the gang quickly filled me in on what I had missed so far.

The rest of the night was a riot. I don't remember exactly what was so funny, but I do know that I haven't laughed that hard in ages. My stomach actually hurt from it. There were a lot of obscure references... including old toys (Lite Brite, Snoopy Sno-Cone Maker, Easy Bake Oven, Teddy Ruxpin)... Shrek ("Not the gumdrop buttons!")... Billy Joel's "Laura"... Simpsons ("Look out! He is a Spider Pig!")... The Brady Bunch Movie (George Glass!)... Dane Cook ("Peace off!")... Seinfeld (sidler, Pez dispenser on the knee, Beefarino)... Sting ("Message in a bottle...")... MST3K ("Manos: The Hands of Fate")... None of it makes sense on its own, but in context it was hysterical.

Eventually people began to leave... first Karen and Dooner, then Rich and Heather... and then there were three. Me, Joe and Sam stayed out back talking until 3:30 AM. Why is it that the best conversations take place in Sam's backyard after midnight?
So now I have two weeks left until I go back to work. I'm gonna cram in the fun, damnit. I'm not wasting a single second of precious free time!

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