Monday, July 11, 2011


I neglected my blog for awhile... for various reasons, I guess. To sum up, I got in sort of a funk (regarding the possibility of a layoff, among other things) and then pulled myself out of it. I spent the first 2 weeks in June doing the usual end-of-year activities at my schools (wrapping up some loose ends, helping teachers with June exams, attending a variety of luncheons and retirement parties). The week after school ended, I went to a 4 day professional development workshop... and then the week after that, I started teaching a 5 week summer school program. So I haven't actually had a summer vacation yet :)
My summer school schedule is pretty sweet. I work Monday-Thursday from 9 AM - 12 PM. I have Fridays off. Not too shabby! Even though I haven't had a summer vacation, I've definitely been enjoying my extra free time. One thing I've been able to do is take in some shows at our local theaters. 
At the end of June, I went with a group of friends to see "Next to Normal" at the Academy of Music...
The Academy of Music
I wasn't very familiar with the show before I saw it, but I enjoyed it very much. It was funny and touching all at the same time, and the music was catchy and well written. I found myself still humming the songs a week after I saw it. I'd like to get my hands on the soundtrack soon.
This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to get FREE tickets to see "Miss Saigon" at the Walnut Street Theater...
Dorky pose with a theater poster!
This is a show I've wanted to see for years, so I was thrilled to get a chance to go! My friend gave me 2 tickets, so I asked Joe if he wanted to go with me (and of course he did... who turns down free theater tickets??). I was so excited for the show that I spent the days beforehand posting videos of the songs on Facebook. Our seats were great, the show was awesome, and a good time was had by all. 
Hopefully over the next month and a half, I'll have more fun outings to share with you... because I intend to make the most of my time off this summer!  

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