Friday, September 2, 2005

Happy early birthday to me!

My brother (who rocks, by the way), bought me a ticket for the Weezer/Foo concert in October. It's an early birthday present. A big ol' WHOO-HOO is in order! I can't wait!!! It's gonna be an amazing show. I'm guessing a lot of people I know will be there. I've already heard/read people talking about it. Perhaps there should be a pre-concert party? Straight from work to the parking lot, have some beer, then rock at the show... but then, after that, I would need to call out of work on Friday to recover. :) Maybe that's not such a good idea. But the concert will kick ass either way.

School starts on Tuesday - both grad school and work-school. I'm not ready for either. I had 2 weeks off from grad school, and I got kinda spoiled. I was actually able to read REAL books, instead of textbooks and articles. And as for work... well... I'm excited to go back, even though I'm going to miss my summer freedom. I have a super small class this year - only 16 have registered. There might be 2 more coming, but still, 18 is a very small class. This will be the smallest class I've had since I started teaching, not counting the year I taught special ed (previous class sizes, in order from earliest to most recent: 31, 29, 34, 24). I'll be thrilled to have 16 kids, though. I will be able to do SO much with this class. A big difference from the year I had 34, believe me.

And, oh yeah... did I mention that I'm going to see WEEZER and FOO?!?!? Whoo-hoo!!!!!

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