Wednesday, January 19, 2011


True to my word, I've been accepting invitations left and right. I've seen people that I haven't seen in ages. I'm going places I've never gone before. And it's only January 19th. By the time December rolls around, I'm gonna be exhausted, but damn happy :)

The downside to being so busy is that I haven't been making time for exercise. And that ain't cool. I used to dread exercising, but now I look at it as a fantastic stress release (and you gotta love those endorphins!). So if I don't make time for walking, working out, whatever... the stress of planning and socializing will start to build up. And then all hell breaks loose. Kablooey. (I'm not really sure if that's what it sounds like when hell breaks loose. I'm taking creative license here.)

Can I form a sub-goal for my confidence goal? I think that sub-goal should be balance. Sometimes when I get a new interest, I neglect other things. I need to make sure that even though I'm busy going places and seeing people, I still take time to eat right, blog, write in my journal and exercise. Oh, and sleep more than 5 hours. I suck at that.

One more thing... I would like to formally dedicate this blog post to my procrastination assistant, Mr. Joe Silva. I started writing this blog about 2 hours ago and then got interrupted by him with an online conversation that involved houseplants, nail clippings, and Bob Ross's happy little trees. Apparently I can't balance chatting and blogging. My attention span gave out and I chose human interaction over blogging. I'll try to be more focused next time :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha ! Serves you right for wanting to discuss such trivial things like Banana Nut Crunch!

    Other then that, when I read the title of this blog post, I really thought it was going to be some form of Mr. Miyagi hash!
