Tuesday, October 4, 2005

whatever and ever (amen)

I'm so tired. I just got home from grad school. This professor SUCKS. It's 3 hours of excruciating torture. My friend is trying to convince me to take 2 classes next semester. I might do it. I'd love to be finished my degree by December '06. I'm gonna have one hell of a graduation party. (Hey, can I book ...In Theory? Now that would kick some serious ass!)

Anyway, I just saw something on TV that reminded me of something that happened a few weeks ago. I wanted to blog about it before, but I just didn't get around to it.

Here's the story:

I was at a bar with 2 friends. One friend (Friend A) is a regular at this bar, so she introduced us to the bartender and another regular. Let me establish this up front: I was not interested in said regular. He's in his late 30s, longish greasy-ish hair, Harley Davidson t-shirt, smoker. Not my type. But he was fun to talk to, so Friend A & I were chatting with him. I was buzzed, and therefore quite amusing, whipping out the one-liners and sarcastic wit that most people find so charming (*ahem*). He kept saying, "You're so funny!" and to Friend A, "I like this girl, she's cool!"

At this point, let me reiterate my non-interest in Mr. Harley. I was simply enjoying the fact that someone (namely, a man) was enjoying my company. Call it an ego thing.
Now during this whole exchange, Friend B was being moody and distant. She sat, arms folded, and didn't talk unless spoken to. She had one drink, which she nursed for about an hour. She kept yawning.

And here's the kick in the ass - Mr. Harley liked Friend B! WTF? Did I miss something? She was so boring! She didn't say anything! She didn't get involved in our conversation! She was completely giving off the "don't talk to me" vibe. But Mr. Harley thought she was "cute." (Direct quote.) He tried asking her questions, to which she gave non-committal one word answers.

Sheesh. I simply do not understand men. And that's that.

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