Sunday, August 20, 2006

party. the aftermath.

No more parties. I mean it this time. It's too much work, and too much cleaning up to do afterwards. And I was pretty trashed, so the party itself was kind of a blur to me. It's just not worth the effort.

Damnit, why did I drink so much? I don't even remember drinking that much, but I knew I was drunk. I feel like I went from slightly tipsy to incredibly drunk in no time. Blah. But I'm not hungover, which is awesome. And kind of hard to believe, considering how much I drank.

And GOOD LORD my porch was a mess. There were crushed potato chips all over the porch. Ants were everywhere. Bottles and cans and napkins and cups. I found a million cigarette butts, and four empty ashtrays. Interesting. Somewhere along the line (like 8:30-ish) the keg got kicked. That was a first. I don't think we've ever had that happen before. Someone had the "brilliant" idea to get another keg. Only about a quarter of that went. Damn shame... it's a waste of good beer.

Finally, allow me to issue a formal apology to the following people: anyone I didn't say hello or goodbye to, anyone I insulted (I don't think that happened this year, though), anyone I ignored, anyone I spilled beer on (again, don't think that happened this year)... I think that's it.

Honestly... I think I'm just too old to party that hard anymore.

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