Thursday, August 17, 2006

to do...

One of my friends from grad school once told me that if she had to buy me a present for something, she'd get me a notebook for all the lists I make. If you know me at all, you know I'm notorious for making lists. Shopping lists, to-do lists, lists of things to remember, lists of songs I want to download, lists of funny things people say (yeah... those of you who went to Wildwood with me, I promise I'll post that quote list asap), lists of books I want to buy someday, lists of things I want to do this upcoming school year.

Today I made a party to-do list to figure out how much still needs to be done, and how much I can dump on Doug (not much, as it turns out, seeing as how he works all day and has no car). So I made the chicken today. It smelled damn tasty. Tomorrow I'm making pasta salad, rice krispie treats and jello shots (woo-hoo!). Then tomorrow night is Leo's first birthday party, which Tasha the Wonderdog and Bobby the Beagle (Doug's gf's dog) will both be attending.

And Saturday... THE PARTY!!! (Can you tell I'm just a wee bit excited about this?) Rumor has it that 1/3 of UpFall has poison ivy and might not be able to play. Suck it up, bitch. You're playing. I booked you months ago. Deliver the goods, damnit.

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